Healing Retreats for Adoptees, Donor Conceived People, Late Discovery Adoptees, and NPEs

Our Mission

Hiraeth Hope & Healing, Inc. has been bringing this trio of communities together since 2019, proudly highlighting our alliances and intersections.

No other retreat exists like these!

“Escape, Heal, and Rejuvenate: A 5-Day Retreat in Community"

Escape the hustle and bustle of daily life and immerse yourself in a transformative experience offered three times annually (April, July, and October). Join us for an immersive experience of healing and renewal, nestled in the comfort of private, luxurious residences. With a maximum of 30 attendees, this intimate gathering offers a sanctuary for individuals seeking solace and growth.

Our carefully selected facilitators, experts in various healing modalities, will guide you through transformative sessions tailored to meet your needs, regardless of where you are on your journey. From mindfulness practices to therapeutic workshops, each day presents opportunities for personal breakthroughs and collective support.

Indulge in eight delectable meals crafted with care and camaraderie as we come together in the joy of shared cooking experiences. With seven/eight rotating sessions, ample time for relaxation, and the chance to foster new connections, our retreats promise to nourish your body, mind, and spirit.

 Saturday evenings are reserved for shenanigans. We indulge in "Eve's Game" (a tribute to Eve Sturges), a blend of Left, Right, Center, 20 Questions, and the thrill of a "Las Vegas" casino night! You won’t want to miss out on this fun night. If you're yearning for in-person connections but are short on time, we have the perfect solution! You can register for just Saturday Shenanigans.

Throughout the retreat we have raffles, live auctions, prizes, and a pretty awesome SWAG bag!

Join us and discover the warmth of belonging among kindred souls who understand and embrace you, even before they've met you.

“We don’t heal in isolation, but in community.” ~S. Kelley Harrell

~Togetherness Heals~

“There were great workshops by skilled licensed facilitators, fun activities and games, and down-time to just chat. Friendly and supportive group. What a transformative experience. Loved it!” -Michelle, DE

“There is no excuse not to attend – for yourself, or for others. It was for me and will be for you a very rewarding experience.” -Dennis, NJ

“Incredible experience of togetherness with people who get it.” -Cassandra, NJ

“This group has been life-changing in the most positive way.” -Peg, VA

“I highly recommend these retreats for all NPEs, DC, LDAs, and Adoptees.” -Heather, CT 

Please be sure to join our PRIVATE Facebook group for more insider information and house reservation details.  https://www.facebook.com/groups/hiraethhopeandhealing 

How it all began…

Hiraeth Hope & Healing emerged from a deep yearning to support Adoptees, DCPs, LDAs, and NPEs in their journey towards healing. The founders crossed paths fortuitously during an NPE gathering in March 2019, where they recognized the pressing need for more opportunities for in-person connection and healing. Promptly after the event, they embarked on planning the inaugural retreat. In October 2019, they hosted the first-ever Jersey Shore Roundtable Retreat, which proved to be a resounding success. Since then, Hiraeth Hope & Healing has experienced continuous growth. These retreats are exclusively designed for Adoptees, DCPs, LDAs, and NPEs, with no inclusion of spouses or family members in the sessions. However, spouses, partners, and significant others are welcome to join for dinners, recognizing the potential for additional healing when all participants come together.

and continues…

  • 12

    Retreats planned since 2019

  • 10

    Scholarships offered since 2021

  • $4091

    Dollars awarded since 2021

“Allies & Intersections”

This Venn diagram, inspired by Cassandra Adams, a DCP advocate within our community, clearly illustrates why we feel so strongly about healing together.